Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow in London town


There was plenty of snow in London today. It started snowing on Sunday evening and carried on all night really...and most of Monday too. We had around half a foot of snow at our place in Islington. True to form, London strained, cracked and eventually imploded - no buses at all in London, very few overland trains in and out of London, only half of the underground was working, all of the airports were closed for part of the day at least...awesome.

Apart from that, there were some snowmen on steroids in Highbury Fields and a very cold dog outside the supermarket...someone had tied it up while they did their shopping and it was just about a small polar bear by the time they came out again!

Good news is it's supposed to get worse tonight, then "clear" midweek and do it all over again before the weekend. Happy days.

Here are some snaps from our 'hood. Brrrrrrrr...

Snow falling
Sunday night

Our street


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