Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bonnie Scotland


Last weekend Anna and I hopped aboard the Highland Chieftain for a trip up to the land of Braveheart, haggis and (as I was later to discover) a dessert which is best described as cold porridge. Our destination was Auchterarder, a village near Gleneagles which is home to Renee and Bob - Renee is our grandfather's cousin - who have been surrogate grandparents to Anna while she's been so far from home. Just when they thought that was over, I arrived!

We had a lovely time seeing the family and pouring over family trees and the countless old photographs, including ones of Anna and I growing up that somehow have found their way to Scotland over the years. We were lucky that by chance, Renee and Bob's daughter and son-in-law, Julie and Victor, were visiting from Hong Kong so we got to catch up with them as well. We went out for a great meal in Auchterarder's "high street" which was very impressive, small town NZ could never match that standard!

Scotland blessed us with some very Scot-like weather and brilliant autumn colours (see below). For the wildlife fans, I did try to get a picture of the robins in R&B's backyard but they and the rabbit at the station proved too elusive, as did the moles which left trails of mole hills everywhere. In fact, all I ended up getting was a sheep. Disappointing.
Our time in the north was very relaxing and over all too soon. It was very kind of Renee and Bob to put us up and I hope we keep in contact and see them again...perhaps in summer!

Anna, Renee and
Bob at the bustling
Gleneagles station.

Beside an eathquake
fault line which
resulted in a wee
cliff that amatuer
rock climbers now
practice their moves on.

The high road.
Or the low road.
Difficult to tell.


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